Director: Scott Barber
Starring: Dave Brockie, Ethan Embry, Jon Freeman
Country: United States
Running Time: 120 Min 
Year: 2021
BBFC Certificate: 18

Dave tried to keep this one hidden in his “special” drawer, but he slipped up when he left his desk unattended. I took my chance and found his stash of the good stuff. I couldn’t believe my luck, a whole film about GWAR, hoping for a Vulvatron interview, I quickly jammed my new-found treasure into the Blu-ray player. The shiny disc yielded the full sordid story behind “the world’s sickest band”. I was looking forward to lashings of gore and filth, and I was not let down. However, I did not expect to find a tale of dedication beyond measure and determination to fight against the odds. More surprising still, you may find yourself shedding a tear towards the end.

When GWAR first reached mass consciousness in 1990 with Scumdogs Of The Universe, there was nothing akin to their antics or imagery. To this day it could be argued no one has taken a stage show to such extremes. The beheadings and skinning of victims alive are the tamest part of their performances. Lead singer Oderus Urungus (Dave Brockie), famously got into hot water for displaying his “cuttlefish” in public. Whilst the band would ubiquitously drench their “Habs” with gallons of blood and other bodily fluids at their “bohabitats”. 

The primordial ooze of GWAR began to fester in 80’s Richmond, Virginia when punk singer Dave Brockie and filmmaker Hunter Jackson met. Working together from an old bottling plant, the rock band GWAR morphed out of a film about psychotic aliens invading the Earth. Brockie’s band Death Piggy was soon to die and GWAR was born from the carnage. Leader singer Oderus Urungus was ready to rock out with an extensive and ever-changing list of musicians. With a line-up including The Sexecutioner, Slymenstra Hymen, and Flattus Maximus they were destined for glory. As the shows became more extreme a hardcore following of dedicated fanatics known as “Habs” was created.

Heading into the 90’s Beavis and Butt-head discovered GWAR and launched them into fame. Wealth and riches beckoned as the band landed a serious record deal. The musicians hit the headlines when one of their shows featured a priest being assaulted with a giant crucifix. GWAR was banned from the state by Judge Dick Boner..yes, his real name, and they were catapulted into rock infamy. Sadly, their record deal was short-lived when they refused to remove the song B.D.F (Baby Dick Fuck) from their new album “This Toilet Earth”. This would be their only chance at going mainstream, but Brockie would not yield his creative inspiration.

This little setback does not stop GWAR, and they continued to tour and make new music. However, on one tour Guitarist Pete Lee (Flattus Maximus from 1992 to 1998) is shot as he tries to flee a car-jacking. Although badly injured, he manages to pull through. From that moment on he will have to go on stage with a colostomy bag. This doesn’t stop the party, more new tales are recounted, including imbibing vast quantities of LSD and Brockie deciding to take on the persona of The Terminator for a whole tour. Wherever GWAR go they cause mayhem, even delaying venue opening times, while gallons of blood is cleaned up after a performance.

The climax is profoundly emotional as they discuss lost friendships, with some unable to forgive. While Michael Derks (BälSäc the Jaws ‘o Death) fights cancer, it is the death of Brockie at the age of fifty which brings everyone to their knees. In a touching tribute to the talent and originality of Brockie, a full Viking funeral is celebrated surrounded by hundreds mourning “Habs”.

Yes, there’s plenty of shock and gore to keep you entertained but you will also get a glimpse of the more sensitive side of GWAR. You may even be left thinking they are not such a bad lot after all. The only improvement to be made is more time for Vulvatron interviews, however, this was partly made up for with plenty of Slymenstra Hymen footage. Even if you are not a GWAR fanatic, you are bound to enjoy this tale brimming with drugs, rock ‘n roll, violence, and a hint of sensitivity. 

This is GWAR is out on Blu-ray, DVD and digital release on 24 October 2022, released by Acorn Media International boasting an embarrassment  of extras.

Special Features include:

Commentary track with Derks and Bob Gorman
Behind the scenes of a GWAR Show
GWAR on Empire Records
The legend of GWAR
Last interview with Dave Brockie
A message from the Scumdogs of the Universe
Four pillars of GWAR
Slave Pit walk through with Michael Bishop
GWAR from the outside

Oderous went up in flames, now all of Valhalla chants his name…I salute you my brother.

This is GWAR
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